Have you ever looked at you posture in the mirror or on one of those sneak pictures and saw that you might need to straighten up a bit … or a lot? Apart from scoliosis, which affects more than 2% of Americans, this can be caused by lifestyle. But it doesn’t mean that you’re doomed.
Anna Pesce, 85 y.o., broke the internet with her success story. For more than a decade she was suffering from her hunchbacklike posture, both uncomfortable and painful at times. After one of those episodes she could no longer walk and had to use a wheelchair. Luckily soon after she met Rachel Jesien, a certified yoga instructor, who specialized in back care.
After one month of yoga, Anna was able to walk again. Now, two years after, she leads a normal life, having a perfect posture for her age and continues to do yoga, that saved her.